Friday, January 29, 2016

I think making this a weekly thing isn't the best plan right now.
I'll just sort of blog when i feel like it, a schedule forces me to do it, but I'd prefer I very occasionally wrote something interesting, rather than just a consistently pointless update on my life,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day before my last school semester.
I'm a sucker for tradition, and I couldn't go without doing this one last time.
I went down to the park where I grew up, saw the old tree, the playground, old fort DeKane. Everything's changed.
I think I would have been more sad though, if everything else was still the same and I was the only thing that had changed.
I don't belong in the park anymore. The park used to be my home, and now...
Now I have to go make a new one.
One step at a time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Thoughts On The Force Awakens. (very, very small spoilers)

Ach, I'm not going to kid anyone with this. I liked The Force Awakens, probably more than a lot of the Star Wars movies (Empire will always be best in my opinion). It was fun, it appealed to the wanna-be film critic inside of me, and it was very much Star Wars.

I went into the theater with the fear that TFA was going to be essentially a nostaglia-sinkhole. I mean, the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and X-Wings flying over the water were like the selling points of the trailer (besides Ren's lightsaber). It was a perfect set up to make a movie for all the 30-50 year-olds in the audience to sit up and shout "I remember that thing".

But the old characters come back in a way that feels like they have become another part of the Star Wars universe. Han Solo has taken of Obi Wan's role of wise old man. Luke has become a Yoda style of legend, R2-D2 and C-3P0 show up just enough to assure us they exist, Leia has become a general of the resistance. All of the old character's retain their personalities without hijacking the story from our new protagonists. Perhaps more importantly, they are given a backstory to explain why they are where they are now, as opposed to elsewhere.

So, our new characters. BB-8 is a good droid, runs around, makes beeps and boops, provides us a alternate view on the action. Finn is a decent unlikely hero, though perhaps a bit dramatic (Ironic for me to say, given what I think of the villain).
Rey reminds me too much of every fan-fiction protagonist ever. Stronger than she thinks, everyone likes her, and she's mysteriously integral to the plot. However, the way she is portrayed and acted gives me a feeling that there may be a bit more to her, so I'm willing to withhold judgement until after the next movie.
Conversely, Kylo Ren reminds me of every fan-fiction antagonist ever, and I love it. He's over the top, dramatic, short-sighted, and willing to sacrifice everything to get what he perceives he needs. He's Anakin Skywalker without all the horrible lines or stupid plot.

As for the rest of The Force Awakens, I don't want to say too much. In some ways the plot was confusing, not because I couldn't understand what was going on I just couldn't always understand why it was going on. However, the story as far as the characters are concerned was quite solid and I think I would enjoy watching it a second time. And the scenes, the filmography, the sounds, the colors, they were all very enjoyable. (I am definitely not an expert on any of this)

So, I enjoyed The Force Awakens, and I think that most people would(or did) as well.
If my review is weak, it's because this is literally my first. I am certainly willing to discuss any part of the movie with anyone.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Normally, this would be the time when I make a year in review.
But, since this is my first year for blogging, I don't really have a proper year to review.
2015 was a good year; it really wasn't the year I thought it would be, but it was a good year.
I made many friends, learned many hard and important life lessons, and (I believe) grew as a person in ways better than I had hoped.
But 2015 was a quiet year for me. In 2016 I am hoping to learn how to use my voice, speak as I can, to learn more who I am when I'm not with other people.
I know one thing already, I am a rambler. So when I made the decision to make this blog, I knew already that I could write for it. The question now for 2016 is... will I be able to find someone who will read it?

2016, I'm coming at you as hard as I can.