Monday, January 4, 2016


Normally, this would be the time when I make a year in review.
But, since this is my first year for blogging, I don't really have a proper year to review.
2015 was a good year; it really wasn't the year I thought it would be, but it was a good year.
I made many friends, learned many hard and important life lessons, and (I believe) grew as a person in ways better than I had hoped.
But 2015 was a quiet year for me. In 2016 I am hoping to learn how to use my voice, speak as I can, to learn more who I am when I'm not with other people.
I know one thing already, I am a rambler. So when I made the decision to make this blog, I knew already that I could write for it. The question now for 2016 is... will I be able to find someone who will read it?

2016, I'm coming at you as hard as I can.

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